When you have a Lymphatic Massage Pickering you will understand why it is exclusive to a woman and is done by a woman therapist.

Understanding the benefits of a Lymphatic Massage (also referred to as a Lymph Massage) first requires knowledge of what the function of the Lymph System is within the human body.  You may be familiar with the terms Lymph Nodes or Lymph Nodules, however, not sure what they have to do with your overall health.

The body has two fluid carrying systems that run parallel to each other.  The blood system carries the nutrients to the organs and tissues, whereas the lymph system is the sewage channel removing cellular wastes, spent proteins, excess fluid, viruses and harmful bacteria.  This system picks up the waste fluids and solids from the spaces between the cells and passes them through filters.  These filters are known as Lymph Nodes or Lymph Nodules in which the wastes are separated.  The usable substances are sent to the organs and issues via the blood system with the toxins ending up in the landfill as urine or the stool for excretion out of the body.

You know your lymph system is functioning to its full capacity when you feel healthy, and rarely get sick.  However, when the system is weak, of sluggish which is often the case after recovering from a bout of flu, swelling after surgery the body is weak, tired and more susceptible to taking on new infections.

At Beauty-Full Spa the massage therapist understands how to manipulate the bodies tissues to speed up the release of the waste build up, thus increasing the bodies ability to heal faster.  Unfortunately, this massage is only available to women at Beauty-Full Spa in Pickering.  B encouraging lymph flow and removing waste products, this gentle form of bodywork will assist in the restoration of immune functions and improve vitality.

Lymphatic Massage Pickering is effective because approximately 70% of the lymph vessels are located just below the skin’s surface. As stated previously these fragile vessels work to pick up fluids between the cell spaces.  By using very light pressures in a rhythmic, circular motion, the massage therapist can stimulate the lymph system to move the wastes away from the clogged areas.

Women who can benefit the most from a lymph massage include athletes, those who have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue; or may be recovering from a surgical procedure have the most to gain. Before loading up on big pharma magic pills, why not give the body a gentler, non-toxic approach to reliving your low energy, apathy, tiredness, and get back to normal with a lymphatic massage.

After any injury or surgery where inflammation has occurred lymph vessels can become overwhelmed with the demand placed on them. When tissues are swollen, deep tissue techniques may unnecessarily add damage to the lymph vessels and surrounding structures, thus should be avoided. Lymphatic massage is often the treatment of choice because it helps the body remove proteins and waste products from the affected area and reduce the swelling. This helps reduce pressure on cells and allows them to reproduce faster to heal the body.

For your sound of mind, always inform your doctor and have their approval before you have any type of massage therapy after any surgical procedure or if you have a chronic condition of any kind.