Deep Cleansing + Ultrasonic Lightening Facial

Evenness of skin tone is the most common quality that defines beautiful and desirable skin worldwide.  This facial is designed to promote the fading of unevenness in pigmentation (darker colour) in selected targeted areas.

This proven trio of a Deep Cleansing Facial harnessed the power of Ultrasonic  Waves and used in conjunction with a Vitamin C Lightening  Mask (a.k.a. Whitening Mask) gets the job done.  Contained within the mask are specially formulated skin lightening creams and Vitamin C serum that are pushed deep into the skin’s tissue by the Ultrasonic Waves.  This motion allows, the skin to start releasing the trapped heat (in the form of pigmentation), the root cause of the unevenness of the skin’s tone.

Includes extractions, closure of pores, deep relaxing head, neck and facial pressure point massage and alone time alone to completely unwind.  This advanced skin lightening treatment gives your skin a much healthier, more youthful look and feel while promoting evenness in your overall skin tone.  Suitable for all skin types.  $135