Years ago, a commercial airing on television had a guy walking around his kitchen holding scalpel up with one hand while his other hand was holding his phone.  In a split screen, the viewer saw a doctor lacing up his golf shoes explaining to his patient how easy it was to make a small incision between two ribs and perform what the physician referred to as “minor surgery”.  The patient responded, shouldn’t you be here doing this?  The product name, no recall, however, the meaning of the commercial, “Just because you have a tool in hand does not make you proficient at using it.”

The same notion can be applied to what is being totted as “new” when in fact it is a re-introduction of microblading of the eyebrows (historical references, show the practice in existence several thousand years ago).  It was re-introduced in Asia in the mid 1990s and here in Canada in 2014.  Many unskilled individuals have jumped into this semi-permanent make-up field as unlike permanent makeup techniques, microblading takes fewer hours of training and is less expensive to learn and obtain a certificate of training completed.  A typical microblading course would require an investment of less than $500 whereas, a permanent makeup course $2,500 or more.

If you are considering microblading Pickering for your eyebrows, a primary consideration is the artistic ability of the stylish/technician.  Study before, and after pictures to ensure the right curvature, thickness and overall design are what you have requested.  Ask questions to make sure they have a grasp of what they are going to do to your face. Additionally, have the artist use an eyebrow pencil so you can see what they are proposing and for goodness sake, make sure it is a step forward!

Unfortunatlely, at this time there are many unskilled opportunists advertsing their microblading services.  We hope that you find genuine and very skilled microblading stylist/technican whose work accentuates your natural beauty.  If this is not the case, you do have an opportunity to have the “ugliness” removed off your forehead, using a technique called, “Laser Tattoo Removal”.

Microbladed Eyebrows Pickering often fall off on their own without the need for Laser Tattoo Removal GTA.  However, this is not necessarily the case for everyone, and if you do get, well let’s face it a lousy job, you will need to have the Microbladed pigmentation removed.  Here’s the catch, if you are lucky it may come off in just one session.  If you are unlucky, it may take two, three, four or even more sessions to be removed at the cost of $290 plus topical anesthetic per Laser Tattoo Removal Pickering session.

At Beauty-Full Spa Pickering they also removed permanent eyeliner Pickering.  Unlike Microbladed Eyebrows Pickering, permanent makeup techniques implant the pigmentation much deeper into your second layer of tissue, thus making Laser Tattoo Removal the most efficient method to facilitate its removal.

At Beauty-Full Spa they have been removing permanent makeup eyebrows and eyeliner since 2005, and are pleased to offer the same Laser Tattoo Removal technique for Microblading.  Please give them a call to book a free consultation at 905-420-0020.  You can also send us a picture (please include your first and last name) to 647-891-2636 using standard texting methods.  “It is what it is,” do not worry as this mistake will be fixed by contacting Beauty-Full Spa in Pickering right now!