Now that school’s back in full swing, the kids have all they need for a successful school year, it is time for you to start working on the elimination of those surplus pounds.  You know what we are speaking about that bulge you are carrying around your waist.  Yes, year after year a little more has been added and now naked you are ashamed of the image looking back at you in the full-body sized verticle mirror, an object that shows absolutely no mercy.

Well if you are reading this brief article, you have found the people who can reverse the ugly you are seeking in the mirror.  Hopefully, this intervention is not too late, and, you have not opened up the auto-immune disease box.  And if you have opened this box, we can assist you in putting back what you have found and just maybe all will return to the before time.  The before the time when you passed the line in the sand that time when you could eat anything without consequence, stay up all night or go for three days straight without sleep — the before when your energy was endless, and life was exciting.

At Beauty-Full Spa Pickering we can assist you in getting the weight off, keeping it off and rediscovering that youth YOU!  We can also remove those beauty marks (moles) that make you look old and unattractive with minimal risk of scarring.  We have proven methods to help change what going on under the skin and being able to change the look on the outside.

Let Beauty-Full Spa Pickering give you a free consultation to enhance both your outer beauty and inner health.  Call us today at 905-420-0020 and pay us a visit where the parking is also free and most of the time you will be able to make an appointment hours after you call or within 24 hours of your initial call.

Has the recently departed Harvey Brooker use to say, “If you could do it by yourself, you would have done it already”. And unlike the founder of many of the weight loss programs available to you, the founder of the Ideal Protein Diet is very much alive and this is why the Ideal Protein Diet Pickering is always being amended with the latest in scientific research.  It is not stuck in time with information assumed to be true 40-years ago.

One particular notion was based on a theory promoted in the late 1950s by researcher Ancel Keys called the Lipid Hypothesis.  He proposed that there was a direct relationship between the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol in the American Diet which was the underlying factor for coronary heart disease.  At this time 47% of American deaths were believed to be caused by the consumption of too much saturated fat, a belief that is still alive and well 60 years later.  Even with overwhelming studies to dispute Keys theory, the vegetable oil and food processing industries still push and fund the Lipid Hypothesis.  Face it this idea almost killed the egg industry, whole milk, butter that had been eaten for hundred’s of previous years, and all built on a piece of scientific junk.

If you want to know more come and see the staff at Beauty-Full Spa Pickering … what are you waiting for, a skinny version of you to drop from the sky?  But for certain just ahead is Thanksgiving and Christmas, are you equipped to handle these traditional holidays without gaining weight?