Often referred to as a beauty mark, a skin wart, a beauty mark, mole, medical term nevi are, for the most part, are unwanted and undesired. In the picture above, the cosmetic surgeon informed the client that he could remove the two lesions as illustrated, however, she would have scarring.  At mole removal Toronto in Pickering, our method dramatically reduces the opportunity of scarring occurring.

In some culture they supposedly bring luck and this may simply because the removal is replaced with an even uglier scar.  In many cultures, people who have moles, in particular on their face are seen as old and in many cases untrustworthy.  The latter steams from cartoons they watched in their youth and the people that had the moles, or that big mole on the chin with several long hairs growing out of it, crooked teeth, bushy eyebrows, piercing and often scary voices, well they were just evil and to be avoided.  Any of this true, no these were cartoons that were watched when brains were in early development with many of these images and suggestions sticking with these children for the rest of their lives.

If people who are genuinely into what you are saying should be starring into your eyes, not admiring what you inherited from the family tree of life.  Rest assured they are removable.

For your own peace of mind, we recommend that you visit with your family physician and then visit Beauty-Full Spa Pickering for a free consultation and explanation of how their affordable method works.  Most often your mole(s) can be removed shortly after the FREE consultation.  Oh, parking is also free!

Its never too late to remove something that you inherited from your family.  Call Beauty-Full today 905-420-0020 or text us the picture of what you would like to remove at 647-891-2636 (please include your first and last name in the text).