At Beauty-Full Spa in Pickering Ontario, skin lightening (also referred to as skin whitening, or depigmentation) can be performed on selective areas.  This treatment is not intended to be used over the entire body.  Beauty-Full Spa’s method has nothing to do with Skin Bleaching of the entire body.

The Internet is smothered with creams and potions promising to reduce the melanin (pigment) in the skin, with up to six shades in lightness being achievable from head to toe.  Anything this radical must come with some negative long-term side effects, so do your homework before travelling this path.

The majority of people looking for skin lightening or whitening are seeking an evenness in overall skin tone.  For example, the upper checks are dark than the surrounding tissue.  The goal is to find a way to release the pigmentation resulting in an even tone to the overall complexion of the skin.

One disorder that is linked to ancient times, is Vitiligo.  There is no known cause or cure for this autoimmune disorder.  People with this disorder find their body incapable of producing sufficient melanin.  Melanin’s chief responsibility is to protect the body from being microwaved by the constant bombardment of various types of radiation, including the sun’s rays.  Victims of Vitiligo often find themselves ostracized from their racial, social groups as the disorder resembles leprosy (absent limbs falling off).  For example, an African American would have his African American features; however, would eventually be white.  Some people in the white community would not accept him as he would be white with African American features.  Let’s face it, we don’t like what we don’t know, and we only accept what we understand as the skin’s appearance becomes patchy.

As it is unclear as to what causes Vitiligo, caution should be used when experimenting on your skin in the event you may trigger this disorder for yourself.  Michael Jackson was the most famous person in modern times to have this disorder.  It is estimated that approximately one per cent of the entire world’s population has one of the three forms of Vitiligo.  The disorder is noncontagious and generally presents itself between the ages of 20 to 40, equally affecting all humans.  It has no colour barrier.

It is possible that bleaching your entire body more than once could trigger this disorder, so please way the pros and cons before committing to a complete body bleaching. It can take up to 30-years before Vitiligo completes the total transformation into a white colour.

Hydroquinone for years was sold OTC (over the counter) to lighten dark patches of the skin including hyperpigmentation or melasma in concentrations as high as 10%.  Concentrations above 2% have been shown to cause severe skin redness, burning or stinging, dryness or cracking of the skin, blisters or oozing, skin discolouration; has been known to cause cancer in laboratory animals, and potentially in humans; plus, not to depose of property is harmful to the environment.  Health Canada only allows a maximum of 2% OTC; whereas, a Canadian physician can have up to 4% in their office settings.

One other product in limited use is Trichloroacetic Acid Solution (TCA).  Last year you could pick it up on Amazon in concentrations of 80% and 100%.  As of June 2019, it is now being sold on Amazon in 50% concentration, still 30% greater than allowed for use in a physician setting.  Beware and if you do purchase this product do a test patch somewhere small and insignificant.  If your skin reacts badly and you get a 3rd degree burn with potential scarring, it won’t be on prime real-estate such as your fact!

This is one product that when you see this headline, “50% TCA Home Skin Peel Kit – Remove Tattoos, Age Spots, Stretch Marks, Acne Scars, Moles, Scars, Skin Tags, Hyperpigmentation, Wrinkles and Freckles!” it is truly too good to be true.  To remove a tattoo, TCA will have to burn through your first layer of tissue and your pigmentation layer, as it tattoo’s pigmentation is located in your second layer of tissue.

In summary, if you are seeking a safe method, a skillfully delivered skin lightening/ whitening treatments in a clean and safe setting, please reach out to Beauty-Full Spa in Pickering where consultations are free as is the parking.  For more information, click this link.