Mental Pause Day – A Postpartum Prevention Tool

Shortly after opening its doors on March 5, 2005, Beauty-Full Spa Pickering established what has become a tradition for new mothers.  Mental Pause Day is a spa booking scheduled for six weeks after the birth of the baby. The birth of a baby often brings different emotions from joy to fear to anxiety and in severe cases postpartum depression.  As [...]

October 29th, 2019|


It is the day after Thanksgiving, October 15, 2019.  The staff comes to work, opens the computer, next, the email, and to their surprise, they had been awarded Three Best Rated Weight Loss Centres in Pickering, Ontario for 2019.  The competition in this category is fierce with many of the bigger companies disqualified including Atkins Pickering, Jenny Craig Pickering, South [...]

October 16th, 2019|

Are Facial Moles Ugly?

Often referred to as a beauty mark, a skin wart, a beauty mark, mole, medical term nevi are, for the most part, are unwanted and undesired. In the picture above, the cosmetic surgeon informed the client that he could remove the two lesions as illustrated, however, she would have scarring.  At mole removal Toronto in Pickering, our method dramatically reduces [...]

October 11th, 2019|
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