Thai Herbal Ball Massage Therapy is relatively an unknown in North America; however, over the past four years is beginning to become more popular when compared apple to apple against the Hot Stone Massage.

Hot Stone Massage is not as illustrated in many printed advertisements where the viewer sees smooth, glossy grey round stones placed directly on the skin of a beautiful woman’s back.  Anyone in the know gets a chuckle when they witness this type of unrealistic marketing.  Putting hot stones directly onto the skin as illustrated in the advertisement would if left on for more than a second of two case third degree burns.  A barrier must always be used be it human hands or a wet cloth when the stones are left in a static position of the skin’s surface.

For the trained therapist two techniques are used working with the hot stone therapy.  The stones are palmed in the therapist’s hands.  Using stroking movements, the heat is transferred from the stone onto the surface of the skin. A hot stone massage is simply the transfer of heat onto the surface of the skin.  To magnify the heat most often a heated blanket is used under the padding of the bed sheets.

Thai Herbal Ball Massage Pickering incorporates natural herbs, heat compression, massage and aroma therapy all being delivered simultaneously via essential oil directly through your skin’s outer-layer to be absorbed into the muscles and blood stream.  Do you think this treatment may be a little more beneficial to the body as opposed to heated polished stones?

Two Herbal Balls are required per treatment with one being used and the other remaining in wait sitting in a streamer.  One hour before the guest’s arrival at Beauty-Full Spa Pickering the two herbal balls are soaked in water for 30 minutes.  This is done to re-hydrated 12 herbs contained in the cloth wrapped ball with handled referred to as a herbal ball. Once the initial 30 minutes has been achieved the two herbal balls are placed in a streamer for another 30 minutes prior to the guest’s arrival.  When the treatment starts the heat in the streamer is reduced with one ball being used by the therapist while the other one remains in the streamer to ensure a constant temperature is delivered throughout the entire herbal ball massage treatment.

The therapist takes a herbal ball out of the streamer and dips it into the essential oil of coconut which carries the herbal content in the ball directly through the skin.   The majority of people who have a nut allergy can safely eat coconuts.  However, this is a concern; grape seed oil will be switched out for the coconut oil.

For approximately 70-minutes, the therapist systematically takes the handle on the ball and using a rocking motion touch the skin over the entire body.  For a list of the ingredients click here and once you see what’s in the herbal ball, it will give you an understanding of why this treatment is superior to the hot stone therapy.  With the Herbal Ball Pickering treatment, your body takes more home than heat which is the case with the Hot Stone massage therapy.

It only takes about three massage sessions to pay for a hot stone kit, whereas, each herbal ball massage treatment has a one time use of the expensive balls that must be replaced and used new each time.  This is why many schools teaching therapists prefer the hot stone method as it keeps their training material cost lower so they can generate a greater bottom line.

At Beauty-Full Spa Pickering they also have the Infrared Sauna which is an excellent addition to the end of the Herbal Ball Massage Treatment.  By the way during the winter months, all massage beds at Beauty-Full Spa are heated.

The hot stone massage shouldn’t be done on youth below the age of 18 as they tend not to speak out when they are uncomfortable which can result in burns when an inexperienced therapist is afoot.  Similar caution must be used on seniors 68-years plus as their skin is thinner (at 65, 60% of their skin is gone unless they are consuming collagen from an exterior body source), plus they also have a reduction in adipose tissue (cells that hold fat and cushion the body).  These same issues do not apply to the Thai Herbal Ball Massage with the exception that a trained therapist should be employed to administer either of these two treatments.

Thai Herbal Ball Massage Therapy Pickering is a four-season treatment.  Its always a good time to get one!