The 2019 Canada Food Guide promotes to have half your plate in vegetables and fruits; a quarter of the plate in protein foods and a quarter of the plate in whole-grain foods.  Yes, they do suggest to make water your drink of choice.  Did you notice what is absent from this “guide”, all dairy with exception to one pint of milk (US 473 ml or Cda 568 ml)?  Yes, they are suggesting the total avoidance of cheese, butter, yogurt and almost zero milk.  Wow, what are you to put on your pizza, even more, sugar?  Oh, let us not forget the total avoidance of saturated fat.  Seriously, they are still at war with saturated fat even though that ship sailed years ago and has been refuted (tossed out as junk science)!

Did you notice that the plate contains no insects?  Why?  If you are going to trash the dairy industry and limited the consumption of meat-based products from where does the connective tissue come which has to be replaced daily for basic human body survival?  Short term it will appear that you will be getting away with it as the body steals from current resources to give to the organs and other tissue that needs it immediately.  Eventually, as connective tissue (collagen) is not being replaced there will come a day or period of unpleasant reckoning that may result in your ticket being punched earlier than expected.

However, even with the basics of life being trashed, how about the promotion of T2D (Type 2 Diabetes) which this newly designed plate is promoting.  Excuse me what the “heck” are you talking about.  Well if the 26,000 plus people who contributed to this new version of the Guide had a clue what they were talking about they would understand what foods on the plate are contributing to the five stages of T2D.

In his book, The Diabetes Code, Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally, Canadian Dr Jason Fung, Chapter 8, The Fructose – Insulin Resistance Connection, Page 98 – 101, Fructose and Fatty Liver, he explains how “every cell in the body can use glucose for energy”, however, “only the liver can metabolize fructose”.  In his book, he speaks to the fact that once the liver receives the fructose, it is converted into fat and is stored in the liver.  The liver does not have long-term fat storage capabilities so once full it “vomits” the fat into the blood stream where the majority is hauled away and tucked into the organs where fat causes havoc as it is not supposed to be there.  One of these organs is the pancreas, and when you get a fatty pancreas which limits the production of insulin, you are officially a T2D.  What has all this got to do with the new 2019 Canada Food Guide?

Page 96, “Sucrose is composed of one molecule of glucose linked to one molecule of fructose, making it half glucose and half fructose.” Page 97, “The toxicity of fructose was invisible when looking at the blood glucose; it only became apparent by looking at the slow accumulation of fat in the liver.”  One of the most common foods to find Fructose, fruits and the new 2019 Canada Food Guide suggests you eat half your plate in fruits and vegetables.

We also need to clearly understand that what is often considered as vegetables are in fact fruit.  Is it wise to lump fruit and vegetables into the same category?   That is equivalent to going into a grocery store and seeing pears and apple side by side.  You buy the apple and take it home only to discover it is soft inside or brown in its’ core, why, pears give off Ethelyn gas and must be separated allowing the pear gas to be absorbed in the air not carried into the apples.  Heck, in this case, they are both fruits. However, ignorance has placed them together on the same plate, ultimately cheating the purchaser or in this case 2019 Canada Food Guide participant!

Fruit or vegetable — Do you know the difference? By Jennifer K. Nelson, R.D., L.D. and Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. August 15, 2012,

“According to botanists (those who study plants), fruit is the part of the plant that develops from a flower. It’s also the section of the plant that contains the seeds. The other parts of plants are considered vegetables. These include the stems, leaves and roots — and even the flower bud. The following are technically fruits: avocado, beans, pea pods, corn kernels, cucumbers, grains, nuts, olives, peppers, pumpkin, squash, sunflower seeds and tomatoes.  Vegetables include celery (stem), lettuce (leaves), cauliflower and broccoli (buds), and beets, carrots and potatoes (roots)”.  Now with this new-found knowledge look at the 2019 Canada Food Guide plat and can you see why this newly designed advice is promoting the consumption of more natural fructose which will produce more fatty livers and plunge more Canadians into Stage One of T2D, a fatty liver.  It is currently estimated that 95% of Canadians are in Stage One of this five stage ‘reversible” disease.

If you are promoting brainwashing of the Canadian population, doubling or tripling the number of T2D’s in Canada and increasing the cancers affiliated with T2D including breast cancer and promoting early termination of the small segment of the population into veganism, then you should follow the 2019 Canada Food Guide.

If you haven’t fallen this dark and poorly drafted document, a “guide” being low on high quality proteins, low on collagen the connective tissue that holds the human body together, and high on foods containing Fructose put the guide where it belongs.  Yes, put it on a string and fly it as a kite so the pages may come apart and it eventually becomes part of our soil nutrients where it can be most productive.

It is no wonder that this author sees this as a guideline put together by people with an agenda not understanding that humans are bio-chemical creatures that require just enough not too much of anything as the dose makes the poison.

In his book, The Diabetes Code, Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally, Canadian Dr Jason Fung, Chapter 8, The Fructose – Insulin Resistance Connection, Page 97, The Dose Makes the Poison, he states, “Paracelsus (1493-1541), A Swiss-German physician who is considered the founder of modern toxicology, neatly summarized one of its most basic principles as ‘the dose makes the poison.’ That is, anything can be harmful in excessive amounts, even if it is typically considered beneficial.  Oxygen can be toxic at high levels.  Water, too, can be toxic at high levels.  Fructose is no different.

Seriously look at the plate which is more plant based, meaning more natural sugar that promotes T2D and many cancers associated with T2D.  Yes, the dose makes the poison.  Wait, how could 26,000 plus contributors get is so wrong?  “Ignorance”, we don’t know what we don’t know and only accept what we understand.  Too much bad information is like poison, the dose makes the poison or as the American President refers to it as “Fake News”.