Linfogei Lympatic Drainage

40 Minute treatment time

Investment: Single Treatment $80; 5 Pack $360; 10 Pack $680

The lymphatic system is one of the most important parts of the immune system, protecting the body from disease and infection.

The three primary functions are as follows:

1. It returns excess interstitial fluid to the blood. Of the fluid that leaves the capillary, about 90 percent is returned. The 10 percent that does not return becomes part of the interstitial fluid that surrounds the tissue cells. Small protein molecules may “leak” through the capillary wall and increase the osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid. This further inhibits the return of fluid into the capillaries, and fluid tends to accumulate in the tissue spaces. If this continues, blood volume and blood pressure decrease significantly and the volume of tissue fluid increases, which results in edema (swelling). Lymph capillaries pick up the excess interstitial fluid and proteins and return them to the venous blood. After the fluid enters the lymph capillaries, it is called lymph.

2. Carrying Away Waste, Lymph fluid drains into lymph capillaries, which are tiny vessels. The fluid is then pushed along when a person breathes or the muscles contract. The lymph capillaries are very thin, and they have many tiny openings that allow gases, water, and nutrients to pass through to the surrounding cells, nourishing them and taking away waste products. When lymph fluid leaks through in this way it is called interstitial fluid. Lymph vessels collect the interstitial fluid and then return it to the bloodstream by emptying it into large veins in the upper chest, near the neck. Lymph nodes and other lymphatic organs filter the lymph to remove micro-organisms and other foreign particles. Lymphatic organs contain lymphocytes that destroy invading organisms.

3. Probably most well known function of the lymphatic system is defence against invading micro-organisms and disease. Lymph fluid enters the lymph nodes, where macrophages fight off foreign bodies like bacteria, removing them from the bloodstream. After these substances have been filtered out, the lymph fluid leaves the lymph nodes and returns to the veins, where it re-enters the bloodstream. When a person has an infection, germs collect in the lymph nodes. If the throat is infected, for example, the lymph nodes of the neck may swell. That’s why doctors check for swollen lymph glands in the neck when your throat is infected.

Common Facts

Linfogei body chart

  • Although there is no muscular pumping organ connected with the lymphatic vessels to force lymph onward as the heart forces blood, still lymph moves slowly and steadily along its vessels.
  • Lymph flows through the thoracic duct and reenters the general circulation at the rate of 125 mL/hour.
  • About 1.5 to 2 liters of lymph per day circulate throughout the whole body. Efficient activation of the lymphatic circulation can increase this number to 10-30 liters per day.
  • The human body has 600 to 700 oval shaped lymph nodes that range in size from 1/16 of an inch to one inch. These lymph nodes filter and purify the fluid that flows through them, rendering bacteria and viruses harmless.
  • The lymphatic system moves and processes two to four litres of lymph in a 24-hour period. The lymphatic system is like a garbage disposal for the human body.
  • It’s a large system; there are approximately 6 to 10 litres of lymph in the body, compared to 3.5 to 5 litres of blood.
  • Occurs despite the fact that most of the flow is against gravity or “uphill.”
  • It moves through the system in the right direction because of the large number of valves that permit fluid flow only in one direction.
  • Activities that result in central movement or flow are called lymph kinetic actions.
  • Contracting skeletal muscles also exert pressure on the lymphatic’s to push the lymph forward.
  • During exercise, lymph flow may increase as much as 10-15x.
  • In addition, segmental contraction of the walls of the lymphatics themselves, results in lymph being pumped from one valve segment to the next.
  • Other pressure generating factors: Arterial pulsations; Postural changes; Passive compression (massage) of the body soft tissues.


To help with the treatment of cellulite, fat and other symptoms of a sluggish lymphatic system.

What does it do?
It promotes better circulation of the blood and the lymphatic system. Not many people realize how important the lymphatic system is for general well-being and beauty. The two parts of the lymphatic system are lymph and lymph glands.

Lymph is a clear, colourless liquid that is vital to our health. All of our bodies’ tissue depends on lymph for the proteins and salts that it carries and also to remove toxins, viruses and bacteria to the lymph glands. The lymph glands cleanse the lymph removing toxins, viruses and other impurities and returning healthy proteins to the blood supply.

The drainage of the lymph to remove these toxins relies on the pulse and the muscle fibres in the lymph vessels being fit and effective.

How does it work?
Pads are placed directly over lymph nodes through which a pulse is transmitted. This pulse stimulates the muscular fibres, which react with delicate contractions which translate into pressures along the lymph vessels enhancing drainage and purification processes of the system.

The pressures are always transmitted in the systolic phase, when the heart contracts and pushes the blood along, thereby creating a parallel thrust to work with your body.

In addition, since every person, due to different reasons (structure, age, sedentary or hyperactive life, genetics, etc.) has a variable muscle tone, not only from person to person, but from area to area, Linfogei is adjustable to ensure the right pressure and the best contraction and thus personalizing the treatment for you.

The main benefits of lymphatic draining: anti-oedema; improvement of the micro-circulation; increase immune defences; cicatrizing effect; regenerating effect; and detoxifying effect. The main benefits of body venous draining: improvement of blood circulation; benefit by reducing inflammations; decongestion of superficial thread veins; improvement of skin colour; and oxygenating effect.

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